Wednesday, August 12, 2015



In the capital city, Ulaanbaatar, the wealthy live in the heart of the city.  The shacks you see scattered along the mountain outside of the city are very poor people.
The Ger District




View from my balcony


Enter one coke can and come out another
There were two coke cans.  One on each side of the street.  We entered one can, went down the steps and underneath the street to come up on the other side of the road.  So much safer than crossing the street.  In Mongolia, pedestrians do not have the right of way.  Cars never stop to allow pedestrians to cross.  We dodged in and out of traffic in order to get across the street.  By the end of our stay, I became pretty good at crossing!
Jerry didn't like it when I lagged behind to get pictures :)

This was a walkway right next to a river that ran through town.
Ulaanbaatar's version of a parkway....

Cute kids playing by their apartment

Walking the streets of Ulaanbaatar

There is a lot of dust and dirt on the streets.  When the wind blows it picks up all that dirt and the air becomes heavy with it.
Street sweeper

Nan showing us her dirty ankle!

This picture was taken at Milly's.  It was the only "American" restaurant in Ulaanbaatar.  We went there several nights when we were at our wits end and really missing the taste of home.  The chocolate banana shakes made everything better!

1 comment:

  1. Apparently you can only post a comment if your name is Pat. ha ha
