Friday, August 21, 2015

Last Morning

Church in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia!

My last morning in Ulaanbaatar, I went to an LDS church just for sacrament meeting!   It was so awesome and the perfect way to say goodbye to a people and place that I have come to love and respect.  Even though I couldn't understand any of the words, I felt the spirit.  When the music began to play, I really felt the spirit.  I pulled up the words in English on my phone so that I could sing along. Then after the first song an elder came and sat with Nan, Paisley and me and asked if he could translate the talks for us!  He is from Nevada and he wrote both of the entire talks down for us as they were speaking.  It was so nice of him!  And then when the meeting was over, we introduced him to our driver, who throughout the week we came to realize, is a member but not a practicing member- so the missionaries got his name and the bishop introduced himself to him too.  So in some small way, I was doing missionary work this week!

GoodBye (Buyer Teh)  Mongolia!  Till We Meet Again!

1 comment:

  1. Just finished reading all of your blog posts. So glad you got to have so many amazing experiences in Mongolia. One of my favorite things about Italy was going to church. I was in awe of these dedicated members in a faraway place, knowing that their sacrifices to attend church were so much more than mine.
