Friday, August 21, 2015

Camel and Yak Riding

Camel riding at Gorkhi Terelj National Park

Getting up is quite the experience

The jarring motion of the camel made it hard to hold on.  Then when they walk it is a long swaying stride.   Getting back down so we can get off is jarring too.  It was a fun experience to ride!

Our gracious host that cooked us our traditional meal on our last day said that they move their ger closer to the base of the mountain for warmth in the winter.  They pack up their ger and use their yaks to move.  Their yaks also provide dairy products that they sell in the summer.  We had yak tea, yak yogurt and a hard yak curdled piece of something to clean our teeth after the meal.  They even use the steam while processing to distill their own alcohol.  

Yaks help move the family ger

This little guy took a nap while our meal was cooking

The family's herd of yaks were their pride and joy.  They really are magnificent animals.

Riding the yak was similar to the horses stride in Mongolia.  Short stride but not as energetic as the horses. :)

Police Chief taking me for a ride

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